Home Publications

What we have published


During its more than two decades of activity, the Center has arranged national and international conferences, seminars, and meetings. 
It has also promoted Military History studies by the directly or indirectly organizing bibliographies to report what was done in Italy in the field of Military History.
The results of the study conferences were published whenever possible, as it has been in the following cases:

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# Article Title Author Hits
11 Militarizzazione e nazionalizzazione nella storia d’Italia - 2005 staff 7424
12 La storiografia militare in Francia e in Italia negli ultimi vent’anni - 2003 Administrator 5641
13 Dalla guerra alla pace - 2000 Administrator 5208
14 Fonti e problemi per la storia della giustizia militare - 2004 Administrator 7292
15 Militari Italiani in Africa - 2004 Administrator 7464
16 Lo spirito militare degli italiani - 2002 Administrator 6263
17 Guida alla Storia Militare - 1997 Administrator 6179
18 Uffciali italiani - 1993 Administrator 5037
19 Ufficiali e società - 1988 Administrator 5247
20 Bibliografia italiana di storia e studi militari (1960-1984) - 1987 Administrator 5874
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